Sunday, March 9

7 Ways to Make ur Skin Look Better b4 Photo Shoot

Ur photo shoot is on the horizon and you're worried about the small breakout on ur cheek or the sudden oiliness of your temples. Before a photo shoot, take care of ur skin so that ur photographer has to do as little digital editing as possible to remove blemishes or even out the coloring in ur face. Beautiful skin doesn't occur overnight, so start ur skin preparation at least two weeks in advance. 


1. Stay away from oil-producing foods and foods that cause ur face to swell. These foods include red meat, alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods.

2. Hide ur face from the sun. It would be unfortunate to get a sunburn before a photo shoot. Not only does a sunburn tint your face, it can start to peel just in time for u to stand in front of the camera. If u r treating a sunburn, use aloe vera to speed the healing.

3. Get your waxing, tweezing or other hair removal procedures done a week in advance. If you wax your brows or upper lip days before ur shoot, you may still have redness, swelling or little bumps from the impact of the waxing.

4. Apply cold cucumber slices to ur face every night. Cover ur cheeks, temples, forehead, chin, nose and eyes with the cucumber to reduce redness, swelling or puffiness. This is also an effective way to rehydrate your skin. Leave the cucumbers on for 20 minutes.

5. Get plenty of rest for a week straight before your shoot. Darkened skin around your eyes will be a dead giveaway that you are sleep-deprived or stressed.

6. Exfoliate your skin gently for a week before ur shoot. Exfoliating removes dead cells in the top layer of your skin and revives ur skin to give it a healthy glow. Don't scrub ur face too hard, however, or u can cause scarring.

7. Wash your face with cool water multiple times throughout the day, on the days leading up to ur photo shoot.

Come Up to Industry - Priyam 

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